Financial Execution/Budget Analyst
Salary (Range Based on Experience Level):
Position Description:
- Configuration Control on all Taskers. Ensure proper persons are working the tasks and providing to
leadership for review.
- Configuration Control for CCAR/PMRT. Ensure CCAR/PMRT is in line with program budgets.
- Configuration Control for Joint Reconciliation Process (JRP). Work JRP with all analyst to ensure a
thorough review of all lines are completed and submitted in a timely fashion.
- Ensure monthly reconciliation of all funding lines (GFEBS/CCAR/PMRT). Reconcile CCAR & PMRT
on a monthly basis and all under executing lines have mandatory Quad Charts completed.
- Work with contracts and FE analyst to provide timely execution of Express contracts & matrix
support for Internal Operating Budget.
- Work with Product Team to reconcile requisitions with GFEBS/CCAR.
Job Location:
Redstone Arsenal
Qualifications (Education & Years of Experience):
- Bachelor's degree and 11 years experience
Minimum Security Clearance Requirement: